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Jayashri Kireeti

Jayashri Kireeti

Acupuncture Physician

Jayashri’s personal healing from migraine using acupuncture had left a lasting impression on her mind. While dealing with her family’s health issues on a day to day basis, she felt the need to learn and understand acupuncture in depth. She was fortunate to get a firm foundation through teachers of ATAMA and other specialists in their fields that opened the doors for an inspiring healing journey. Acupuncture started out initially as a hobby for Jayashri for helping family and friends. The compelling benefits led her to take it up as her second profession. With time, acupuncture took over her heart and she felt fulfilled practicing TCM. It is now her primary profession. The overwhelming response at Aantarya has led to a new center to cater to more people and addition of new holistic and sustainable healing modalities. She gets her daily dose of inspiration and satisfaction by seeing people with apparently irreversible conditions recover good health in a natural way.

Vidya BS

Vidya BS

Acupuncture Physician

Frankly, Vidya had not heard about acupuncture till the year 2007. Her husband had severe sciatica and repeat visits to the doctors did not yield any result. He was advised bed rest for three months. During this period, a friend of hers suggested trying acupuncture. They were desperate for a cure and were pleasantly surprised when acupuncture cured his pain. He was up on his feet in a week. Conviction grew strong and they have now adapted acupuncture as the main / only mode of treatment for anything and everything. Her husband’s healing journey inspired her to do her masters and MD in acupuncture from Atama University. Personally, she says, she has gained physically and feel uplifted spiritually from practicing TCM.

Ninad Kireeti

Ninad Kireeti

Acupuncture Physician

Ninad encountered TCM when options ran out for a family member, who was in tremendous pain and was not able to find a cure without the risk of long term side effects. Acupressure came to the rescue and he was amazed at how it provided quick and painless resolution. This incident inspired him to look at the vast science of TCM and eventually, he gave up engineering career and took up TCM as a full time profession. Ninad finds the science of TCM very intriguing, especially with its roots connected to Indian culture. He can now apply, observe, and truly appreciate the practical benefits of this wonderful system of healing. He enjoys interacting with people of all ages and backgrounds and work towards finding the appropriate solution for their unique situation. He is excited, and eagerly looks forward to continue his practice in the new center at Jayanagar and Aantarya’s free treatment project for the elderly.



Acupuncture Physician

Given her background in engineering and IT, Srividya hardly knew anything about the human body and its function. Several instances of sudden ill-health among the family members would make her rush to the hospital and seek immediate medical attention. Being totally at the mercy of corporate hospitals and doctors, and having no say in the treatment options was quite traumatic for her. On the upside, these experiences made her determined to learn about the human body. She wanted to understand what was happening, and administer first aid or proper assistance during tense moments. She took a break from IT, and intuitively took up the opportunity to go through the basic acupuncture course suggested by her relative. She had planned to only learn the basics, but the subject interested and fascinated her. Wanting to go deeper and deeper, she completed her M.Acu in 2017 and has been practicing since then. She is grateful to Aantarya and enjoys working with a wonderful team. She is inspired by the many success stories, and satisfied, happy patients.